Topic: Technology
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The basic design of social media, and the usage it promotes, makes a demon’s job easier.
If an entire generation can be convinced that their power is in their voice, they will devote that much more energy to gaining a voice rather than gaining power.
The good men I have met desire to destroy drones, as if by a common impulse, and now I understand this as something fitting to their sanctity rather than an exception to its holy rule.
Christians should delete their accounts, temper their spending, and only use Amazon as a search engine for buying directly from companies.
In its current configuration, pornography spreads the internet which spreads liberalism.
Marc Barnes discusses with Shawn and Beth Dougherty the illegality of raw milk as a spiritual sign of the times.
Marc and the Dougherty's discuss how and why to start a compost pile: it restores fertility to the soil and makes you a shepherd of death.
(Our apologies for the funky audio!)
In 2021, Gladden Pappin came to the New Polity conference to let us know that our obsession with technology is silly—not only because we have ceased inventing truly novel innovations, but also because those who are producing it are actually enslaving us. So buckle up and enjoy the talk!
We are excited to announce the College of St. Joseph the Worker. Mike Sullivan, Jacob Imam, Marc Barnes, and Andrew Willard Jones talk us through it.
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New Polity Magazine aims to deconstruct the keywords and categories of liberalism and reconstruct them according to the logic of Christianity. Get the latest issue and access to our archives.
The basic design of social media, and the usage it promotes, makes a demon’s job easier.