
 New Polity Press is the publishing arm of New Polity, featuring books that critically analyze modern culture and politics and promote moral and virtuous alternatives that envision and implement a truly Christian society.



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The Politics of the Real

Schindler shows that liberalism is wrong, not because it has simply “relegated God to the private,” but because it has inverted the world: giving us power without authority, in what becomes a closed, necessarily totalitarian, horizon. Here, nothing else can be done with the transcendent God but to find a quiet little place to keep him, harmless and out of the way. When we let God out, a cosmic hierarchy of act—of participation in Being Himself—explodes into view. And this changes everything. A true integralism, a true postliberalism, moves politics back into a cosmos that is itself analogically ordered to participation in the life of God. With The Politics of the Real, Schindler has elevated the postliberal conversation.

— Andrew Willard Jones
Director of Catholic Studies at Franciscan University of Steubenville
and author of Before Church and State


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