Topic: Gender
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Conservatives will either become Catholic or remain unconvincing opponents to transgenderism.
We are male and female: here’s why.
The ideal biological subject within a “population” is not woman created by God, holding her differentiation as a gift that no power of Earth or Hell could take from her, but a subject whose gendered and sexual actions are most malleable to the suggestions of those who hold power over a mass society.
By transforming gender from a received gift into a human achievement, predicated upon certain kinds of activities, our dearest queer theorists did the good of work of their capitalist god, transforming a subsistent reality into a scarce commodity.
Thorns and thistles are only a curse to a man who no longer understands them according to their nature.
Marc Barnes and Maria Brandell discuss the continuity of our current transgender moment with the pattern of origin stories found in the ancient myths—and how the Genesis narrative serves as a polemic against the anthropology of primal androgyny.
This is the end of Gender—Ivan Illich's book, that is. Join as Marc Barnes and Maria Brandell wrap up with Illich's best chapter yet, including a critique of capitalism and how to build a gendered world.
Holy Spime blocks! Today, Marc Barnes and Maria Brandell venture further into Illich's gendered domains, exploring an older world of gendered tools and spaces, and musing on how these worlds manifest (or don't) today.
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Conservatives will either become Catholic or remain unconvincing opponents to transgenderism.