One is either of a people who forget or a people who remember.
I have been patronizing my dishwasher. I have been subsidizing its efforts.
Well, the pope has spoken. And the Church has lost its ever-loving mind.
Sovereignty is not merely a bad political ideal; it is simply, in the end, impossible.
For all the talk of “anti-discrimination,” current policies discriminate unjustly against actual human beings in favor of a disembodied, counterfactual “ideal.”
We are completely off whatever rockers we were trusted to sit on—and our condemnation of the stock market is entirely correct.
Jacob Imam and Marc Barnes have advocated that investing in a 401(k) or the stock market is generally immoral. I think that their view is incorrect.
What is the difference between a people and a nation? In this podcast, Marc Barnes and Alex Denley discuss Ernest Renan's influential lecture "What is a nation?". Renan argues that a nation is not formed by common descent, language, religion, or geography. Rather, a nation is a spiritual principle that requires sacrifice, and a forgetting of the past. Marc and Alex discuss Renan's definition of a nation and how it formed the development of nation states in the modern period.
In this special episode of Political Saints, Marc Barnes and Nicolas McAfee discuss the heroic political life of St. Thomas More. Thomas More was the Lord High Chancellor of England from 1529 until 1531. After refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy, he was convicted of treason and was executed. Pope Pius XI canonized Thomas More as a martyr in 1935.
One is either of a people who forget or a people who remember.